Brad Henning presents a 2 hour in depth workshop all about The Swish Technique.
An NLP Swish Pattern is the process of taking a behaviour or state and changing the submodalities to enhance a new behaviour or state.
Brad Henning:
I first began to study Hypnosis, simply as a personal interest and passion some 26 or so years ago and even at that time I found I was able to successfully apply my skills therapeutically, so eventually I decided as of 2015, to become a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist taking up far more structured studies in both Ericksonian and Krasner Hypnosis
formats, which I studied concurrently with...
• NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programing)
• T.I.M.E. Techniques (Time Integration for Maximum Empowerment)
• EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) and...
• C.O.R.E. (Creating Outstanding Results for Empowerment) Success and Life Coaching. Since that time I've continued to expand my skill sets and knowledge of all number of Integrated Therapeutic formats such as, Sleight of Mouth, Mindscaping, Memory Mastery Formats, Hypnosis Without Trance, How to Create Instant Change, No Fail Protocols, The "Arrow" Format, Further Conversational Hypnosis studies and more, through my many studies with: Michael Stevenson, James Tripp, Igor Ledochowski, Mike Mandel, Michael C. Anthony, as well as Freddy
and Anthony Jacquin. Today as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, NLP Practitioner, and NLP Master Practitioner, I enjoy my role as Mentor and Cofounder of, Integrated Changeworks, where together with my business partner, James Banfield (out of the United Kingdom) we mentor and train therapists, whilst I continue my own practice, Hypnosis-Changeworks here
in Canada, assisting clients, both children and adults, with Trauma, Phobias, PTSD, Anxious and Depressive States, Anger Management, Insomnia, Obsessive Behaviors, Acute and Chronic Pain, Limiting Beliefs, Negative Habits, Motivation, Self Esteem, Confidence, Memory Improvement, Allergies, Performance Enhancement including Sports
Performance and much more. Independent of my private practice and mentoring business I have also been a keynote speaker for seminars on Women's Wellness, Team Performance Enhancement as well as a guest speaker on a Podcast regarding
Hypnotherapy for Sports Performance.
£20 for pay as you go members
£15 for subscription members
(book your spot via Katie Furneaux)